Posts Tagged ‘celebrities’

Even Famous People Get Dizzy…

Famous People Reported to have Vertigo:

Alain Robert, rock and urban climber

LeBron James, Basketball Player

George Clinton, Music Artist

Richard Lugar, U.S. Senator

Nicolas Cage, Actor

Jeff Hackett, Hockey Player

David Duval, Professional golfer

Nick Esasky, Baseball Player

Alan Shepard, Mercury and Apollo Astronaut

Abraham Zapruder, recorded John F. Kennedy assassination

Philip K. Dick, Author

Janet Jackson, Musical Artist

Famous People Reported to have Tinnitus:

Vincent Van Gogh, Artist

Oscar Wilde, Author

Sylvester Stallone, Actor

William Shatner, Actor

David Letterman, Comedian

Ronald Reagan, Former President of the United States

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th-Century Political Philosopher

Charles Darwin

Famous People Reported to Have Meniere’s Disease:

Emily Dickinson, Poetess

Martin Luther, Inspired Protestant Reformation

Alan Shepard, First American in Space and Fifth Person to Walk on the moon